This is a unique group of men who are preparing to endure 'The Worlds Toughest Row' at the tail end of 2025. A 5,000 km transatlantic race from La Gomera in the Canary Islands to Antigua in the Caribbean. 24/7 rowing for +/- 5weeks straight. No land! let that sink in.


People with a purpose are a special type. People who have the ability to endure, have resilience to persevere and are committed to a cause. Each team member carries a different motivation for wanting to be involved with such a colossal excursion but above all these men have made a commitment to each other, to the team, 'Team BestGole's' success in completing this journey. Not only for personal development but also for a good cause.

Team BeStGoLe, let's get to know you all and bit better and set the scene for our readers. Please give us a little intro to the team!

Our team is made of 4 guys, Jeroen van de Berg, Ko Steenman, Frans van Leeuwen, Enrique Gomez. 4 entrepreneurs, adventurers, family men, hard workers and always searching for action. One idea! Rowing the Atlantic! 5000 km from the right LaGomera to the left Antigua and Barbuda.

Where is the motivation coming from to embark on this crazy crossing? 

Self recognition, adventure, one for all, all for one! But the biggest motivation is to raise as much money as we can for founding organisation Spieren voor Spieren. Our muscles for the kids. This foundation conducts research into muscle diseases in children.

What does a typical day of training look like when the team is training on dry land?

We train in our boat at least 3 times a week - 2, 3, 4 hours. Then we have 12 hour training sessions, multiple day training sessions-  2, 5, 6 days. 


Beyond that we train 2, 3, 4 days a week in the gym, full body workout. Breathing exercises, nutrition and coaching sessions. It's a full time commitment in preparing for our adventure later this year.

Now paint us a picture of what's happening on the boat. How big is it, where do you sleep, who does what, are there shifts, roles, eating times, off days etc?

Our boat has been built by our good friend, Mark Slats, AKA: The Ocean Rowing Company, (race winner of WTR 24) and 2x World Record Holder rowing (TWAC solo’17 & duo’20). Mark know what it takes to endure this race and has been paramount and a incredible resource to our team in preparation for the upcoming journey.


The empty vessel weighs about 200kg. Fully loaded with 4 men and our supplies, about 1.5 tonnes. It's a 100% self supporting vessel. It can turn salt seawater into drinking water and it generates electricity from the various solar panels. We will be carrying 1.5 million worth of calories on board to keep us going by way of dehydrated food ration packs and of a lot of protein, the meat supply from


Through from first light until sun down, we are rowing in blocks of 1.5 hour, then 30 minutes of rest.  3 men on, 1 man off. Radio checks, eating, sleeping, self care, all of that in those 30 minutes. Same cloths, no showers, restrooms, just us and the Atlantic!


During the night our rowing blocks consist of 2 hours of rowing and then 2 hours of rest. 3 men on, 1 man off


Row, eat, sleep, repeat! 5000 km man brutal and pure man power.


Entering into a event like this, what does success look like?

Its simple really: Training, training, training. Target top 3, bullseye 1st! Finish and enjoy a bucket of Budweiser with my team!

How is Runder fitting into your lifestyle and on the journey?

Quality food, delicious and nutritious meat, carbs, quick snacks with a lot of proteins.  Most ideal while rowing and waiting for a treat! Cant wait for it!

What the teams  favourite Runder product?

Has to be the snap sticks, original biltong and the BBQ biltong!